आफ्नो सानो, खिस्रीक्क परेको खेतमा उभिएकी सुन्दरी देवी । बर्दियाको एउटा राजमार्गको छेउमा सरकारले दिएको जमिन । भर्खरै जोतेर फर्काइएको खेतको माटो । मनसुन आधा बितिसक्यो तर आकाशमा चर्न छोडिएका जर्कटा भेंडाजस्ता

साने घर्तीको कविता
नयन पोखरेल सिन्धुलीय | January 18, 2013घर्तीको छोरो भए पनि त्यो फटाहा सानेको निशानाचाहिं मान्नै पर्ने हो हामी सानै छंदा थोत्रा साइकलका टायरबाट गुलेली बनाएर नांगेडांडामा मकै रुग्न जाँदा त्यो बुढो कदमको रुखबाट एक एक सुगा खसाल्थ्यो

What is a classic? A hundred years of Nepali literature (1900-2000)
Sharada Sharma | January 18, 2013A literary work that possesses the quality of being eternally significant by building upon historically relevant work in a creatively stylistic manner can be

Coaxing the muses: an interview with Sujan Chitrakar
La.Lit | January 18, 2013It was a pleasant September evening. The sun was setting and the lights around Thamel were starting to flicker. We came upon Sujan Chitrakar in front of a small thangka store, and interrupted his perusal of an intricately designed Mandala. One thing led to another, hours were adjusted and soon enough we were sipping some

A Nepali dimension
La.Lit | January 18, 2013Gorkhas Imagined: Indra Bahadur Rai in translation translated by Anmole Prasad, Dorjee Tshering Lepcha & Michael Hutt Mukti Prakashan,
2010 Indra Bahadur Rai, the Darjeeling-based Nepali-language writer, has

Habit and style
Surendra Thami | January 17, 2013On the first Sunday afternoon of February he announced to his friends that he would not be seeing any of them over the week beginning the next Sunday.