Radhika Subramaniam: Not as the crow flies
Kapil Bisht: The hidden tiger
Arun Rana: The mahseer
Niranjan Kunwar: The art of plants – a bicentennial bridge
Dylan Harris: Keeping the story straight
Charles Zerner: The garden of dreams – weedy landscapes in Kathmandu
Sreshta Rit Premnath: Some notes on lawns
Savanna Ferguson: The shape of space
Rabi Thapa: Home improvement – developing a sense of place in east Nepal
Barbara Ras
Generation Edit: Fyodor Urnov, Sarah Chan, and Renzong Qiu
Dipesh Risal: The farmer
Evie Rucker: Secret people
Ross Adkin: Chobar Water Service
Eleanor Walsh
Diana Woodcock
Karuna Chandrashekhar
Herland, Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Vegetarian, Han Kang
The Prisoner Of Kathmandu, Charles Allen
Eliot Weinberger: The stars