
La.Lit welcomes submissions from around the world. Our basic criterion for publication is that your material, as per the collective judgment of our editorial team, has quality and relevance.

We will consider your submission for publication in print (twice a year) and on Longer pieces may be considered for serialization. Though we are for the moment operating in English and Nepali, we are open to providing a platform for original and translated work in the languages of Nepal and South Asia.

For uncommissioned long-form journalistic pieces, we ask that you submit a brief pitch outlining your topic, the themes to be addressed, and the form of the proposed story.

For poetry submissions, we ask our contributors to send us a set of three to six poems. Please note that we only consider poems that have not been published elsewhere.

Please send your contributions or queries to Submissions should be sent in accessible format (if a text submission, in Microsoft Word) by email.

La.Lit is staffed by a team of volunteer editors who put in their time because  they believe in the necessity of this magazine as an important platform for writers from Nepal and the region. Funds to pay contributors are limited, but we endeavour to provide locally competitive rates, particularly for our print editions. Come join our literary yatra!